Friday, October 06, 2006

Why "MusicMan" ?

A lot of people ask me..."Why 'Musicman'?" Here's the answer.
Since I was a kid I've loved music and books. I'm a big comics fan and I love Superman...and its not because of all his powers and adventures. It's because of the kind of person he is and the way he's inspired me to be a better person. I can't think of anyone better to try to be like. Superman stands for being a good person, doing the right thing always and being a good honest HUMAN being. That is what I love about him. Also the fact that he and his wife share the most incredible love story in the world makes me like him a lot more. What can I say...I'm a romantic that way.
So yeah...Superman and Music...two things I love a lot. Add em together and you get "Musicman".

Also...if I was to be known for something on radio or in life...I'd like to be known as the guy who loved music and played great music.
"Musicman" seems quite apt that way too wouldn't you say.
Plus I like it a lot. Thats a good enough reason what?:)

Oh just one more thing about me. I don't know if you've figured this out already...but I love to sing. Thats actually the main reason I got into the music industry.
Had a band in my engineering days. Finished that...then instead of taking a "steady" into radio...and after quite a while, I've got a band again. I love performing. Gives me the biggest high in my life. (In fact thats the only high I need or get in my life. I'm a non-drinking, non-smoking rocker/singer)

So yeah..."Musicman" is not just a name...its not a catch phrase or a stupid title for myself.

Its what I am.

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